About Khansons Group |
Khansons Group is one of the leading business houses in the Country engaged in Industrial Scheme and in International Trading. The Group is soaring in diversified fields of commercial activities through every passage of time.
Khansons Group has strong footing in the field of specially the International Trading of different dimensions. Individual Group Member is engaged either in Trading of Commodities and the specified item or in Industrial Projects. The Group is nourishing a commendable reputation and status both in home and abroad.
Besides the group business activities we have a strong and wider participation in Insurance Industry. We are doing both General and Life Insurance for long. To detail it more, we have two(2) General Insurance Companies in the name and style, 'Central Insurance Company', 'Continental Insurance Ltd'. As for the Life Insurance Company our one is named 'Golden Life Insurance Ltd. |
News & Events |
Khansons Textiles Ltd. is the second biggest spinning project in Southern Bengal under the flagship of Khansons Group.